Service Context setup
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Clete requires a service context to be able to effectively monitor your services and apps.
The service context is where you provide more information regarding the service you’d like to monitor
Upon registration/sign up, you should be able to access the following url:
You can fill in the service name and the description. The more descriptive you can be for the service description, the more you can get out of Clete. Once you are done with the service name and description, you will be required to provide more information on the platform configuration. These include the platform name, platform type which could be data, compute, montioring etc, and the platform environment (production, staging, development)
On completing the platform configuration, you have to specify service configurations such as the key dependencies, on-call contacts and the monitoring platform Clete will be consuming logs from.
Additionally, you should also specify the log service name. Currently, there’s support for Cloudwatch, Elastic APM, Heroku. More monitoring platforms will be supported in the future.